IT Trainings For
Companies and Individuals
Code smarter, code faster with us

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Our courses are perfect for anyone, whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned professional looking to upskill. Our experienced instructors have years of expertise in IT and can help you take your coding skills to the next level, no matter what your current level of experience is.

With courses in English or Hungarian, we cater to a wide range of audiences, and our comprehensive training will help you handle your career life with ease.

Whether you're looking to learn Java, DevOps, Cloud, System Design or other IT-related topics, our courses are tailored to your needs and will help you succeed in the fast-paced world of technology.


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For companies, to gain a competitive advantage in the market, we provide solutions to train their employees and partners. We have many verified and revisited training materials in the topics of Java/Spring, DevOps/Cloud: Azure/AWS/GCP, Databases/SQL, System Design, ...

Whether you represent a large multinational corporation or a small local business, we have a solution for your learning and development needs.


Code Hunter's Values


Proactivity fuels our success. We inspire our mentors to take initiative and tackle challenges before they arise. Our culture fosters anticipation, enabling us to prevent issues and drive continuous improvement. This proactive stance keeps us ahead, ensuring exceptional service delivery.


We value transparency at every level of our organization. We believe that transparency builds trust and fosters healthy relationships with our clients. Our team members are trained to be transparent in their communication and processes, ensuring that our clients are always kept in the loop. We understand that transparency is critical to building long-term partnerships and delivering successful outcomes.

Solution-oriented attitude

We encourage our mentors to find solutions, not just focus on problems. This helps us create new and better ways to teach, tailored to different learning needs. Our approach means we can quickly adapt to make sure our teaching is always top-notch for our students.


Collaboration is at the heart of our organization. We believe that collaboration is the key to unlocking creativity, productivity, and innovation. Our mentors are trained to collaborate effectively with each other and with our clients. By working together, we are able to leverage each other's strengths and deliver exceptional outcomes. We foster a collaborative culture that values diversity and inclusivity, enabling us to work effectively with individuals from different backgrounds and cultures.

Willingness to learn

We value learning as a lifelong pursuit. Our mentors are encouraged to grow personally and professionally. Through diverse opportunities like training and mentoring, we invest in their development. This commitment keeps us ahead, delivering innovative solutions that set us apart from competitors.

Course Leader

Zoltan Czirjak

Zoltan Czirjak

"If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime."

Teaching Teaching 10+ years
Software Development Software Development 10+ years
DevOps DevOps 6+ years
Frontend React 3+ years

Scheduled courses

We provide a 100% money-back guarantee!

IT Corporate Services

IT Courses

It Courses

We hold software development trainings for groups of 5-15 people, for example, in the following technologies:

  • Java / Kotlin, Multithreading, Spring, SpringBoot
  • Clean Code and Design patterns, Object Oriented Programming
  • Cloud technologies: Azure, AWS, GCP, Terraform (IaC)
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • JavaScript, React

We also undertake internal retraining for teams in case of switching from one technology to another, with mentoring and active assistance.

Feel free to contact us at for individual requests or book an appointment below.

Training Programs

Training Programs

We are good at organizing and delivering comprehensive in-house talent training courses tailored to various levels, ranging from several weeks to months.

Our extensive experience shines in conducting prolonged training programs, ensuring effective knowledge transfer.

If your company seeks a developer training program facilitated by seasoned instructors, we stand out in delivering exceptional results.

Contact us at or book an appointment below to explore how we can elevate your team's skills.



In many cases, colleagues with less experience do not receive enough help due to a lack of resources (senior developers).

We can provide a solution for such cases. With a commonly-created and discussed development plan, we can sit down with developers at the early stages of their career 1-2 times a week and help them develop. We measure their performance and give them homework, but in the framework of mentoring, our colleagues do not participate in the actual solution of the mentee's tasks at work. (We can only give advice about them.)

The service is excellent for increasing commitment and provides a long-term, mentored, individual development opportunity.

Form of Work:

  • Individual work in online meetings
  • Pair work in online meetings


  • Java / Kotlin, Spring, SpringBoot, Databases
  • JavaScript, React
  • DevOps: Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, Azure, AWS, GCP

Feel free to contact us at for individual requests or book an appointment below.

Popular IT Courses

Advanced Java and DevOps
Terraform and AWS
Terraform and Azure

Example Course Plans

Java with AWS Training

Java with AWS Azure

Azure/DevOps Training

Our Happy Clients

Tesco Technology, Virgo Systems, Lufthansa Systems,
Chemaxon, Apollo Solutions,
Services4IT, TEKSystems, Adevinta,
Whitehall Resources, SAP,
Sullivan and Stanely

Book an Appointment

If you have any questions or
would like to discuss your needs in more detail,
please schedule a 30-minute
informal conversation with us.


CodeHunters Academy

Budapest, Hungary


+36 70 424 7665

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book HERE with our CEO!

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